The answer is probably yes. You can use anything to grow as long as the bag has drainage. However, it is not recommended to use grocery bags as grow bags for growing plants. Most grocery bags, especially the cheap plastic ones, are not designed for growing plants and may not provide the necessary drainage and aeration for the roots. Additionally, some plastic grocery bags are not made from a suitable material for growing plants and may contain harmful chemicals or toxins that could leach into the soil and harm the plants. It is recommended to use grow bags such as those from 247Garden, which specifically are designed for growing plants, which are made from a BPA-Free porous material that allows for proper root aeration and water drainage. 247Garden grow bags are designed to provide the right growing environment for plants and help ensure their healthy growth.

247Garden 3-Gallon Aeration Fabric Pot/Planting Grow Bag w/Handles (White 9H x 10D)